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Danyelle Thomas

Eryn Starck
Eryn works as a legislative advocate for thsoe experiencing disability and brings that passion to our board. She believes the experience of travelling to new places, meeting new people, and learning about new culture is irreplacable. She joined the board to help SEE Oregon remove the barriers and allow more students to access travel .

Maddie Odegaard
Maddie serves on the Board and helps run the Social Media Team. She believes that traveling is an irreplaceable learning experience that every student should have access to. Her goal is to help to students create life long memories while pursuing an travel-enriched education.

Cheri Lentz
Cheri is a High School educator in the Salem-Keizer School District. Having experienced international travel herself, she know firsthand how it can enhance the educational experience, especially when directly tied to classroom learning. She believes all students should get the opportunity themselves.

Crystal Matti